Garden Paws Wiki
Garden Paws Wiki
Wiki Edit IconGarden Paws Wiki Editing Guide

Welcome to the Editing Guide for the Garden Paws Wiki!

This page hopes to answer many of your questions by providing examples and explanations for how things work around here. If there are any questions you have that are not answered in this guide, feel free to leave a comment on the bottom of the page. This guide will be updated as new questions are presented.

Please note that this guide is specific to the Garden Paws Wiki. If you are completely new to wiki editing in general, you can find more help at the Community Central wiki page, or on the GP Wiki Discord.

Visual Editor vs Source Editor

Before you edit, know what type of workspace you are using.

Visual Editor

The Visual Editor is a more graphical interface used for quick editing. This is good for things like fixing typos, adding quick galleries, or filling in Infoboxes.

Please note that the Visual Editor can be finicky, and may not display properly if there are errors in the code. If that's the case, switch to Source Editor.

Source Editor

The Source Editor is used for more in-depth editing. This is the preferred mode for many editors. It is for working on 'behind the scenes' coding for adjusting tables, changing alignment, tweaking images, or other stylized edits that can't be easily done in the Visual Editor.

The Source Editor uses syntax highlighting. This means text is color-coded depending on the 'type' of code it is. It makes things easier to read and notice where a mistake was made.

Please keep in mind that most tips and answers are based on the assumption you are using the Source Editor.

Editing Help

Stop! This is important:

Links on this wiki are case-sensitive. That means if there's an image or page you want to link to, you have to be careful to check if you're using the right capitalization (or lack thereof). You may think there's a missing image or quest when it actually exists in a different form.

  • "small marble display" will not by default link to "Small Marble Display".
  • Typing {{questinfobox}} (with both the Q and I lowercase) will not create a {{QuestInfobox}}.

The only exception is if you manually create a redirect page, as you can see for Tall white flower.

Got it? Good. Now, let's dig in.

Adding and Editing Pages

Editing Existing Pages


  1. Know what you're actually editing. (Seriously.)
    If you don't understand how coding works, or have never edited a wiki before, don't just dive in and add things. First take a look at the "Source" editor view to understand how the page and information is structured.
  2. Don't break stuff.
    If you are looking to add to or fix something on an existing page that already has a lot of information on it, please be careful you don't 'break' anything in the process - such as inserting text in the wrong spot that visually 'messes up' the page when it's saved. You can check for this by clicking the "Preview" button at the bottom, which shows how the page will look once it is published. If something looks wonky after you added text or an image, undo it with Ctrl+Z to see where you went wrong.
  3. Please do not jump in to correct a misspelling in Quest dialogue.
    Quest text is entered on the wiki in the exact way it appears in game - spelling, typos, and all. If in doubt, check in game to see if it matches first. This especially concerns words like "colour", which are alternative (and correct) spellings for those words in Canada (where the devs are from) and the UK.
  4. Fill out the "Edit summary" describing what you changed.
    The field is at the bottom of every edit page. Your note doesn't have to be extensive, just short things like "Added images", "filled in details", or "fixed typo". Filling it out helps those of us who patrol the "Recent Changes" page. This applies more to new or infrequent editors than admins or experienced editors who have a ton of other edits under their belts already and can be trusted they know what they're doing.
    If it's a tiny edit, check the "Minor edit" box above the field. If you change significant parts of the page, leave that unchecked.

Renaming Pages

  • If you're new or don't edit frequently, please don't rename a page unless you created it and know you made a mistake.
  • If you're renaming an existing page, ALWAYS make sure the "Leave a redirect behind" box is checked. If you don't, anywhere the original page name was linked to will now have a broken link. Depending on the page in question, that could affect literally dozens of other pages, which would then all have to be fixed manually.

Adding New Pages: Where to Start

  1. Name the page properly.
    Our page naming conventions are similar to our image naming conventions. Use the exact spelling and/or capitalization scheme that appears in game. If something is called "Tiney dog Bone" (random example) in the game, make sure the page you make has misspelling of "Tiny" and the "d" in lowercase.
         Note: It is not possible to create a page that begins with a lowercase letter. This is a thing, and we have no control over it. The first lowercase word automatically gets capitalized when the URL is created.
  2. Know the type of page you are adding, and use the proper Infobox.
    If you are adding a page for an item that doesn't have its own page yet, the first thing you should do is add the shortcut {{ItemInfoBox}} in Source view. You can then switch to Visual, hover over the Infobox with the cursor and click "edit", then fill out the fields and click OK.
         Note: If you are adding a page for a specific type of item, such as an article of clothing, there are special Infoboxes to use for those. See "Our Infoboxes" below for a list. They are separate because they have different fields to fill out depending on the type of item (clothing type, cooking time, etc).
  3. Understand how other pages are structured.
    One of the goals of wikis is to present information in a standard and consistent format. Before adding any pages, look at the source code for pages of items in the same category to see what the proper formatting is. If you don't, don't be surprised if someone more experienced edits the page later and makes significant changes.
  4. Don't just add a page and throw some text and images up and call it a day.
    Depending on the quality of what you added, your text may be heavily edited or overwritten, or your images may be removed from the page or renamed. This is not personal - it is simply to maintain consistency and make sure that all information and files are easy to find and recognize.

If in doubt, ask. We set up a GP Wiki Discord for that reason. We don't bite, I promise.

Using Images

Make sure you do a search for the picture you want to add before assuming it's missing and uploading your own.

Finding Images

To discover if an image is already available, go into editing mode and click the "Photo" button under "Add features and media". Type what you're looking for in the Find box and press enter.

A few annoying caveats (, so we can't do much about it), mainly about being specific:

  • Spell the item correctly'. Misspelled words will not have results, unless the word is misspelled in the game itself and intentionally kept that way.
  • Spaces are not recognized, even if they are actually part of a name. Instead of spaces, use an underscore ("_").
    • Note: If an image or article has spaces in the name, they will show as underscores in the URL. Either format can be used on an article page - just not while searching. Manually adding "Tall White Flower.png" to the body text of an article will output the same picture as "Tall_White_Flower.png".
  • Multiple words or phrases are not recognized, so you can't search for "red clothes" and find things related to both "red" and "clothes".
  • Singular words can show plural results, but not the other way around. Ex: Searching for "Coin" will show anything with the letters "coin" within the name, including "Pile of Coins" and "PumpCoin". But searching for "Coins" with an S will only come up with images that also have the S in the word.

If you're not really sure and need to use a placeholder image, the file "Missing.png" (see right) and the icon shortcut {{MissingB}} (Missing) are made for that purpose. An experienced editor or admin will see it and add the proper file later on. The icon version automatically adds the page to the "Articles missing information" category.

Adding Images in Source Mode

To add an image to a page in Source Mode, use the following format:
[[File:Image|##px|link=Page Name]]
  • xyz: The extension may vary, but is usually either jpg or png.
  • ##: Width of the resulting image in pixels. Even if the image is bigger, setting the width here will visually shrink it for the page. A good size for screenshots would be around 300, for example. Please do not stretch the page with oversized images.
  • Page Name: The name of the page you want the image to link to, if any. Capitalization matters. If there is no link, you can leave it blank as "link="

Adding New Images to the Wiki

In-Game Image Assets

Think twice before uploading any images and icons (called assets) directly from the game's files, such as the icons you see at the top of Infoboxes. Experienced editors and admins have already added most of the official icons and images, and the picture you want to use likely already exists in the wiki's files. If in doubt, please do not upload a new one unless it's been a while and it's clear nobody has gotten around to it.

  • Infoboxes have been set up for convenience with this in mind, and automatically pull the proper asset image for the page, as long as the page name is the same as the file.
  • If it doesn't show up, it may have a different, misspelled, or unrelated file name. These kinds of errors are one of the tasks that we need help fixing, as you can see on the Wiki Bulletin Board.

Naming Conventions

If you know for absolute 1,000% sure that the image is not uploaded yet (such as with newly added items in updates), first check the Recent Changes page to see if someone else has been uploading a lot of new images. If so, leave them to it. Otherwise please try to stick to the following naming conventions:

  1. Name the file properly!
    DO NOT upload an asset file named something like "skin.resources.675856.png". It will get completely lost and unsearchable, and nobody will know what or where it is unless they hunt manually through the Images archive.
  2. Pay attention to keywords.
    For items or pictures of items with multiple words in the name, such as pastel green fairy wings, Don't just call it "Green Wings.png" or "Green Fairy.png". People searching for "pastel" will not see either come up, and people searching for "wings" will not see the second come up.
  3. Use in-game names, even if they are 'incorrect'.
    For an in-game item, please use the exact same name you see for it in game, including capitalization or spelling errors, or stay as close to it as possible. Exact is preferable, such as with Dungeon Chest Copper instead of Copper Dungeon Chest, or Marshmellow instead of Marshmallow.

Renaming Images

If you did make a mistake and uploaded a file with a non-descriptive name, or you wish to rename one that you found, make sure the "Leave a redirect behind" box is checked. Otherwise any page where that file is used will now have a broken image.

Uploading Screenshots

Please please please give your screenshot a relevant name before uploading it.
Your lovely sunset view, creative build, multiplayer memories, or cute pet pics won't be very useful if they have names like 2020_01_13_567856_Garden Paws.png or IMG567_Canon_.jpg. Why? Because if the image is removed from that page for whatever reason, your masterpiece will get lost in the bottomless pit of files and will be impossible to find without going through the image archive one page at a time. Which sucks. Trust me.

An admin or experienced editor may rename your file later on to something easier to search for, but it will help a ton if they don't have to in the first place.

Rules to follow

  • Include the most important details about the item in the file name.
    It doesn't have to be a whole summary, but word choice matters. Good file names include specific keywords that name items in the image. Something like "Red Sweater Penguin Dragon Spring Multiplayer Party.jpg" is fine. Really. It's certainly preferable to no keywords at all.
  • If you want to keep the original date or add your screen name in there, that's fine too.
    Something like "20200712_SkyRainbowMyUsername.jpg" or "IMG2356FoxLadybugDress.jpg" are fine. All that matters is that it will come up in searches.
  • Don't take it personally if someone does rename your image, or even deletes it.
    You might have uploaded a duplicate image of something, or something bugged out and you didn't realize you uploaded it multiple times. Remember that none of us actually owns any actual rights to these images, even screenshots or photoshopped stuff. They're all part of Garden Paws, and the whole purpose of this wiki is to make all that information easily available and consistent, regardless of who uploads it.

Using Infoboxes

If you have been around the wiki, you will have encountered an Infobox - this is a type of pre-existing template found on every wiki on Fandom. These infoboxes provide a quick-glance summary of the page that a user is reading, and highlights important information.

Most pages on the Garden Paws Wiki use Infoboxes to keep a uniform look about the site. If you are interested in starting a new page, here are the templates to add to the first line of your code depending on what type of page you wish to add:

Our Infoboxes

The Garden Paws Wiki makes use of special Infoboxes to organize pages. For the sake of consistency, we ask that you stick to these when making new pages or adding to existing ones:

Infobox Purpose
{{ItemInfobox}} on a generic page about an item, defined for this purpose as something the character can put in their inventory that doesn't fall into the below categories (See: Wooden Board). If in doubt, use this one.
{{ClothingInfobox}} for a Clothing item (See: Business Sweater)
{{FoodInfobox}} for a food item (See: Blueberry Pie)
{{FlowerInfobox}} for a flower that has a bouquet version (See: Dandelion)
{{PlantInfobox}} for plants, or flowers without bouquet versions (See: Strawberry, Red Dandelion)
{{AnimalInfobox}} for a new animal (See: Penguin)
{{QuestInfobox}} for a quest (See: New Backpack)
{{ObjectInfobox}} on a page about an object in the world or environment (See: Pine Tree)
{{Item&ObjectInfobox}} for an item that also has an object counterpart (See: Geode)
{{CharacterInfobox}} for a new NPC (See: Frank)
{{FacilityInfobox}} for a new shop
{{MobInfobox}} for a Dungeon monster (See: Rock Mob)

You can click the names of the Infoboxes to see how they are used, and what information fields they will show.

Editing An Infobox

If you are looking to make an edit on to an infobox on a pre-existing page, it would be best switch to the Visual Editor (using the Source Editor works too, but may take you longer).

Visual Editor

In order to make an edit to an Infobox using the Visual Editor:

  1. Go to the page you wish to edit and switch to the 'Visual' tab
  2. Move the cursor over the Infobox until you see two options: "edit" and "delete".
  3. Click the the "Edit" button
  4. Fill in the desired fields. You can click the green "Preview" button to see what it looks like so far.
  5. Click "OK" to accept the changes.

The Infobox will auto-format your provided information.

Source Editor

In order to make an edit to an Infobox (using Source Editor):

  • Go to the page you wish to edit and switch to the 'Source' tab
  • The Infobox code will appear at the top, highlighted in yellow if you are using syntax highlighting.

An already-filled out Infobox will look something like this (from the "A Working Workbench" page):

|quest_type = Talk
|client = [[Beltran]]
|goal = Talk to [[Beltran]]
|rewards = 1x [[Workbench]], [[Blueprint]]
|previous_quest = [[Working on a Workbench]]

Note: Sometimes the information is all condensed into a single line, but the result is the same.

The fields you can edit are the ones that come after the "=" sign. Changing anything before it (even capitalization) will 'break' that line, and it will not show up in the final Infobox.

All elements of an Infobox before the equal sign are case sensitive. This is true for all templates.

  • For instance, if you changed the entire line of the rewards section to: "Rewards= 1x [[Workbench]] & [[Blueprint]]", then the entire "Rewards" section will disappear when you hit "Preview" to view your changes. Please keep this in mind.

It is important to know what fields are valid ones for the Infobox type you are editing. For examples, click the Infobox names above to see example template fields.

Formatting Shortcuts

Editing can be tedious. Which is why we have a few handy ways to shorten the amount of typing needed.

Quick Tags


Some of these templates will automatically add the page they're on to a particular category.

  • Coin {{Coin}}
  • PumpCoin {{PumpCoin}}
  • Golden Coin {{Golden Coin}} or {{Doubloon}}
  • Dungeon Shard {{Shard}}
  • Dragon Statue {{Dragon Statue}}
  • Ticket Bunny {{Bunny Ticket}}
  • Ticket Summer {{Summer Ticket}}
  • Ticket Winter {{Winter Ticket}}
  • Missing White {{Missing}}
  • Missing {{MissingB}}
  • Beetle Black {{Bug}}
  • Hat Icon = {{Hat}}
  • Glasses Icon = {{Glasses}}
  • Shirt Icon = {{Shirt}}
  • Pant Icon = {{Pant}}
  • Backpack Icon = {{Backpack}}
  • Wing Icon = {{Glider}} or {{Wing}}
  • Pet Icon = {{Pet}}
  • Hammer Icon = {{Hammer}}


  • {{Smaller|Text here is small.}} = Text here is small.
  • {{SmallCaps|Lowercase becomes Small Caps.}} = Lowercase becomes Small Caps.
  • {{TOCright}} = Floats the Table of Contents to the right
  • {{TOCleft}} = Floats the Table of Contents to the left
  • __NOTOC__ = Removes the Table of Contents entirely
  • <pre>Code goes here</pre> = Shows code formatting (gray boxes on this page)
  • {{MapRef}} = See: Detailed Map of the Main Island
  • <sup>Superscript</sup> = Superscript
  • <sub>Subscript</sub> = Subscript

Adding Reference Notes

While you can just type out a note at the bottom of the page, it's much fancier to use references[1]. To add one to a page, include the following after the word or phrase you're commenting on:

<ref>Your note here.</ref>

Then at the bottom of the page, include:


All your notes will be automatically appear in a numbered list, with links to the original sentences.


{{Help Notice}}

Hammer This page is in the works.
Think you can help make this page better? Try editing it! If not, leave a comment at the bottom.
Any help is much appreciated.




Face20 Spirals

Warning! The following section(s) may contain spoilers. If you have not progressed very far into the game yet, proceed with caution.


Warning: this page contains information about an unfinished section of the game. Its content is subject to change.


NotSelected This page is being edited by someone else
Warning: This page is currently being worked on by a specific editor, and sections may look broken or incomplete. Please do not make any major edits unless the page has since been abandoned. Check the page's history to see who last worked on it and when.

Publishing an Edit

Other people will edit this wiki, and sometimes it can get a little confusing. In order to keep everyone on the same page (no pun intended), it is good practice to write a small note about what you changed in the "Edit summary" field at the top right.

If the changes you made are just fixing typos or spacing, you can click the "Minor edit" box above the summary line.

Before clicking "Publish" to make your edits live, be sure to click the "Preview" options to see what the page looks like with your edits. This is especially important if you use the Visual Editor, because the final page may not look like it does in the Visual Editor - particularly if there are galleries, tables, or floating elements on the page.


  1. Hey look, it's a reference!